في السادس عشر من إبريل عام 2003، عُقد مؤتمر صحفي في نادي الصحافة الوطني في واشنطن العاصمة للإعلان عن اكتشاف جين بروجيريا. وكان مدير PRF الطبي الدكتور ليزلي جوردون هو من قاد الإعلان. وضمت قائمة المتحدثين الدكتور فرانسيس كولينز، رئيس مشروع الجينوم البشري، والدكتور دبليو تيد براون، الخبير العالمي في بروجيريا، وجون تاكيت، سفير الشباب في PRF.
“This is an exciting day for me and my friends”, said John Tacket as he addressed reporters.
The story was reported by Reuters, AP and UPI, appearing in virtually every major newspaper in the United States and People magazine. Television coverage included CNN, The Today Show, and ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX affiliate stations throughout the country. Internet coverage included on-line reports from dozens of newspaper and television stations.
ال Eriksson, et. al. paper, published in the journal Nature, was also reported in 2 other leading scientific journals: Science News، و مجلة الجمعية الطبية الأمريكية.
Recurrent de novo point mutations in Lamin A cause Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome, Vol. 423, May 15, 2003, طبيعة
Mutation causes early-aging syndrome, Vol. 163, p.260, April 26, 2003, Science News
Cause of Progeria’s Premature Aging Found; expected to Provide Insight into Normal Aging Process, Vol. 289 no.19, pp.2481-82, May 21, 2003 JAMA
A special thank you goes out to the entire staff of Spectrum Science Public Relations of Washington, DC for their extraordinary and tireless work on behalf of PRF
Members of Spectrum’s “Team Progeria” with PRF Executive Director Audrey Gordon,
PRF Board Member Dr. Scott Berns, and Drs. Gordon, Brown and Collins