پاڼه غوره کړئ

September 22, 2011 in Wayne, NJ: 2nd Annual New Jersey Chapter – Team Zoey Golf Outing a Hole in One.

The beautiful Preakness Hills Country Club in Wayne, NJ, was the perfect setting for the 2nd Annual Team Zoey Golf Outing. The

Rabbi Kushner, inspiring as always

impending storm held off long enough for everyone to have a great time on the course and the good time continued through dinner and the post outing festivities.

“Team Zoey needs to thank all the many wonderful people who came out to play golf, bid at our auctions, listen to Rabbi Harold

Kushner speak and sing Happy Birthday to Zoey, and help us raise more than $170,000.00 for the Progeria Research Foundation!!!!!!!!”…John Marozzi, event chair and Zoey’s grandfather.

Thank you to everyone at our New Jersey Chapter! We are happy to have you on our team!

Teresa Pugh, Mary Marozzi, Delarosa,
Marlene Marozzi and Barbara Batesko.
Chris Marozzi, James Pugh, Robert Pugh and Matt Delarosa